Tuesday, February 25, 2025
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Discussion of Defence Code Project

Discussion of Defence Code Project

On 8 of November Nato Bachiashvili took part at the Discussion of Defence Code Project which was presented by Deputy Minister of Defence of Georgia Nukri Gelashvili with the representatives of the non-governmental organizations, civil society and academia at the Defence Institution Building School (DIBS).


Project: NATO- Success Story of Development

Project: NATO- Success Story of Development

Discussion  with  Gintaras Bagdonas, NATO Liaison Officer in Georgia,  Mamuka Shiukashvili Representative of General Staff of Georgia Head of Department of Politics and Planning, Arina Tavakarashvili, expert, Lecturer of Sulkhan Saba University


Project: NATO - Success Story of Development. Discussion with Head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia Rozaria Puglisi

Project: NATO - Success Story of Development. Discussion with Head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia Rozaria Puglisi

On 10 of October 2018 International Centre for Geopolitical Studies  in cooperation NATO Liaison Office in Georgia started a new project: "NATO-Success Story of Development"- NATO, the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance, security guaranties and obligation regarding the Alliance.


10 years of Russian Military Aggression. Exhibition at the "War Museum" of Estonia

10 წელი რუსეთის სამხედრო აგრესიიდან. გამოფენა ესტონეთის ომის მუზეუმში

On 8 of August 2018 Baners of ICGS and Friendship Bridge "Kartlosi" about 10 years of Russian Military Aggression against Georgia were exhibited at the "War Museum" in Tallinn. The event was organized by Georgian Embassy in Estonia.

The exhibition was opened by Ambassador of Georgia to Estonia H.E. Tea Akhvlediani. She spoke about Russia's military aggression against Georgia of 2008 and its consequences, about creeping occupation and facts of gross violations of human rights in the occupied territories.


10 years after Russian military agression

10 years after Russian military agression

August 7-8, 2018 banners about Russian Military Aggression in Georgia of 2008 were exhibited by Embassies of Georgia in various countries.

Ambassadors delivered information about current situation on the occupied regions, human rights violation, barbwires and creeping occupation.


Annual meeting of the Working Group 4 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Annual meeting of the Working Group 4 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

The members of the Working Group 4 "Contacts between people" (WG4) of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) gathered in Brussels for their annual meeting on 3-4 July After two days, they were briefed on the EaP CSF internal reform process, and revised the current WG4 Annual Plans, communication strategies, and the WG4 projects from the 2018 Re-granting scheme.


Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of MOD Georgia published handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense. The handbook was written by experts of ICGS.

The handbook focused legislative base, specific issues of  diplomatic correspondence and etiquette of  defense attachés and representatives of MOD to the foreign country.




Nato Bachiashvili attended 97 th Rose-Roth Seminar. The seminar was held 25-27 th April 2018 in Batumi (Georgia). Main theme of the Seminar was:" Georgia and the Bleak Sea Region in the new geopolitical order".


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine at Occupation Museum in Gori

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine at Occupation Museum in Gori

On 13 of April 2018 Ihor Dolhov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine visited the Gori Occupation Museum. Ambassador Dolhov acquainted with documents and banners exhibited in the Museum.


Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the Gori Occupation Museum

Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 28 of March 2018 Johannes Douma Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the Gori Occupation Museum. Ambassador Douma acquainted with documents and banners exhibited in the Museum. Special attention of Ambassador  turned to the  banner with photo of  Stan Storimans Dutch RTL TV veteran ameraman, who was killed During Russian bombing of the Georgian city of Gori.


Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori

Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 27 march of 2018  Madis Mikko Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and Hellar Lill director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori and War Museum in Ergneti. They viewed banners and  items exhibited in museums. Parties agreed translate banners  into English and Estonian and exhibit them at the Estonian War Museum in August 2018 at the 10 th anniversary of Russian military aggression to Georgia.


Ambassador of Republic of  Slovakia at the Museum of Occupation in Gori

სლოვაკეთის ელჩი გორის ოკუპაციის მუზეუმში

On 22 of March 2018 Ambassador of Republic of Slovakia HE Rudolf Michalka visited Museum of Occupation in Gori. Chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili and head of "Friendship Bridge Kartlosi" Megi Bibiluri hosted him. Governor of Shida Kartli  Kakha Samkharadze, Mayor of Gori Konstantine Tavzarashvili, head of Gori Sakrebulo – Giorgi Razmadze and rector of Gori State University  Giorgi Sosiashvii also participated at the meeting.


Students of University of Georgia at the Museum of Occupation

Students of University of Georgia at the Museum of Occupation

On 2 March of 2018 students of International relations of Georgian University visited Museum of Occupation in Gori. They viewed banners reflecting Russia's military aggression and Occupation Georgia's territories in 2008. The lecturer of the University of Georgia, Foreign Relations Secretary of the President of Georgia, Tengiz Pkhaladze delivered a lecture on Russian Foreign Policy towards Neighboring Countries.


Museum of Occupation in Gori

Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 25 of February 2018 Nato Bachiashvili took part in the opening ceremony of Museum of Occupation in Gori. On the occasion of the Soviet Occupation Day, the museum was opened by the President of Georgia, H.E. Giorgi Margvelashvili at Gori State University.


NATO-All for one, one for all

NATO-All for one, one for all

On 30 of November 2017 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies, very interesting and fruitful discussion was held with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky  about NATO as a guarantor of global peace and security, experience of successful integration of Czech Republic to the Alliance, Georgia's perspective to join to the Alliance, bilateral relationship between Czech Republic and Georgia in this regards.


Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries


Extremely interesting and fruitful discussion with head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia William Lahue. Lot of questions and very frank answers on NATO as an guarantor of peace and security, partnership inside the Alliance and cooperation with partner countries; NATO - Georgian relationship; After discussion there were a lot of  photos, surprises and unexpected presents.


Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

One more Discussion about NATO. On 22th of November very interesting and frank conversation held with Ambassador of Romania to Georgia HE Radu Horumba about a new challenges and threats, new initiatives regarding the Black Sea Security Project, Georgian-Romania bilateral cooperation regarding defense and security, about NATO as a guarantor of global peace and security.


Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

On 15 th November 2017 very sincere conversation was held with Ambassador of France HE Pascal Meunier  about NATO as a guarantor of global peace and security, modern challenges and threats for NATO;  Georgia's perspective to join to the Alliance, bilateral relationship between France and Georgia in defence and security sector. At the discussion also took part Rosaria Puglisi, Deputy Head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia. She informed students about NATO as an Organization, Decision making process, NATO's priorities ets.


Parallel stakeholders' discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society Contribution

Parallel stakeholders discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society  Contribution

On 25-27 of October 2017 EaP CSP Annual Assembly was held in Tallinn, Estonia. Nato Bachiashvili took part at the Parallel stakeholders' discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society Contribution. Topics of the discussion were: what are the main changes introduced to the Georgian Constitution with the latest reform and how are they perceived by different political actors in the country? What are the consequences for the political landscape? How to further enhance the civil society's participation and influence in the negotiation process? What has been the role of the Council of Europe's Venice Commission and how was its opinion reflected in the shaping of the reform?.


Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

On 18 th October 2017 As usual, very interesting and fruitful discussion was held with Ambassador of Republic of Lithuania HE Giedrius Poijunas about NATO as a guarantor of global peace and security, Lithuania's experience of successful integration to the Alliance, Georgia's perspective to join to the Alliance, bilateral relationship between Litaunia and Georgia in this regards.


Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project "No Occupation"

Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project

Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project "No Occupation". The event was held in the Museum of victims of Soviet Political Repression, Kaspi, Georgia. The aim of the project is to raise awareness and promote informal education on the issues of Russian-Georgian relations, occupation and the hidden annexation process of territories of Georgia, as well as challenges and threats from Russian Federation towar Georgia and the hole Region. The project is implemented by the organization: Bridge of Friendship "Kartlosi".


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