Friday, January 17, 2025
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Meeting with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky

Meeting with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky

On 28 of November 2016 In the framework of the project "NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance" meeting with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky held in the NATO Liaison in Georgia.

At the discussion representatives of NGOs and academic circle, teachers, students were invite, including students and representatives of NGOs from Gori district, who are living near the occupation line where the Russian influence is significantly strong.

The topic of discussion "Success Story of Integration, case of Czech Republic". During the discussion Ambassador Pernicky delivered a speech about Soviet Occupation, Velvet Revolution, successful integration process of Czech Republic to NATO, about reforms, threats and challenges on this way, how much are their countries and their population successful and secure today.

The discussion was a part of the project "NATO- the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance". General aim of the project: raising civil awareness among representatives NGOs and academic circles regarding NATO through holding public discussions with Ambassadors from Central and Eastern Europe about successful experience of their countries joining Alliance.

Finantial supporter of the Project NATO Liaison Office in Georgia.



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