Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus Extremely interesting and informative study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus held on 12-16 December 2022. CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation in Cooperation with ICGS - International Centre for Geopolitical Studies organized an Informal Study Visit to Cyprus for a small group of Georgian civil servants coming from different state institutions and agencies dealing with conflict resolution and reconciliation. Visit was a part of the project in support of Georgia’s peace and reconciliation efforts.
Expert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case On December 9th, 2021, a closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, for targeted Georgian representatives of the expert, civil society and political fields. The event acted as a follow-up to the previous seminar organized in Tbilisi on October 26th, 2021.
Workshop on Pease Process: "ceasefire agreements and it's monitoring mechanisms" On 25-27 October 2019 4 rd workshop on Pease Process held in Katchreti Ambassadori, Georgia. The workshop was focused on ceasefire mechanisms and monitoring in peace processes, with lessons learned from international experiences. The workshop were  benefited from the participation of international experts who had directly involved in ceasefire and monitoring processes.
Head of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili took part to the Georgian Opinion makers visit at NATO HQ and European Commission 29-30 of November 2018 Nato Bachiashvili took part at the meetings in NATO HQ and European Commission.

Study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus

Study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus

Extremely interesting and informative study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus held on 12-16 December 2022. CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation in Cooperation with ICGS - International Centre...

Expert Exchanges on Peace and Negotiations Processes: Retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders

Expert Exchanges on Peace and Negotiations Processes: Retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders

On 9-10 th September retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders on Pease and Negotiation process was held in Bakuriani “Rooms Kokhta Hotel”. The topic of the Seminar was: role of civil...

Raising Domestic Awareness on Peace Processes and Negotiations Lessons Learnt from International Practices. The role of civil society and political actors in the Cyprus peace process

Raising Domestic Awareness on Peace Processes and Negotiations Lessons Learnt from International Practices. The role of civil society and political actors in the Cyprus peace process

On June 29th 2022, ICGS’s fourth closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi for Georgian experts, civil society activists and political actors. The topic of the seminar was on the case...

Meetings in Akhalkalaki and Minotsminda Municipalities

Meetings in Akhalkalaki and Minotsminda Municipalities

On June 21-22 chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for representatives of Local Government and Self Government of the Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda ...

Meeting in Oni Municipality

Meeting in Oni Municipality

On May 11, 2022 chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for representatives of Local Government and Self Government of the Oni...

Meeting on Georgia's the Euro-Atlantic Integration process

Meeting on Georgia's  the Euro-Atlantic Integration process

On May 10, 2022 Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for IDPs living in Tskaltubo Municipality. She delivered information about the chronology, dynamics and current...

Workshop on Peace Process Design Formats of Negotiations: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Workshop on Peace Process Design  Formats of Negotiations: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On May 6th - 8th, 2022, a closed-door workshop was held in Kazbegi, Georgia, for representatives from different agencies of the Georgian government. The discussions focused on the topic of...

Expert Exchange Seminar: Peace Process, Confidence-Building Measures and bi-communal Dialogue in Cyprus

Expert Exchange Seminar: Peace Process, Confidence-Building Measures and bi-communal Dialogue in Cyprus

On April 6th, 2022, ICGS’s third closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi for Georgian experts, civil society activists and political actors. The topic of the seminar was on the case...

Expert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

Expert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

On December 9th, 2021, a closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, for targeted Georgian representatives of the expert, civil society and political fields. The event acted as a follow-up...

Beyond Rigid Formats: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Beyond Rigid Formats: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On November 5-7, 2021a closed-door workshop was held in Borjomi – Likani Georgia for representatives from different agencies of the Georgian Government. For three days, participants benefited from the insights...

Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On October 26, 2021, seminar Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices: the case of Northern Ireland was held at the Rooms Hotel. Tbilisi.

Nato Bachiashvili at the online seminar with representatives of local government of  Akhaltsikhe and Adigeni Municipalities

Nato Bachiashvili at the online seminar with representatives of local  government of  Akhaltsikhe and Adigeni  Municipalities

On 14 of September Chairperson of ICGS, Nato Bachiashvili took part as a speaker at the online seminar on Georgia’s – NATO relations with the staff of Local...

Round table on "Geneva International Talks - Women, Peace and Security"

Round table on

On 26 April 2021 Tengiz Pkhaladze took part at the meeting: "Geneva International Discussions and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda" hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.

Tengiz Pkhaladze's meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University

Tengiz Pkhaladze's meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University

On 9 of February 2021 senior fellow of ICGS Tengiz Pkhaladze had a meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University.

Nato Bachiashvili took part at the joint sitting of Sector Economy and Economic Policy and EU Integration Committees

Nato Bachiashvili took part at the joint sitting of Sector Economy and Economic Policy and EU Integration Committees

In 9 February of 2021 Nato Bachiashvili, head of ICGS took part at the joint hearing of the Report on Implementation of the National Action Plan on DCFTA for 2020...

Project: "Following the Disinformation"


From September to December of 2020, the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in partnership with "Prodemos" foundation, carried out a project "Following the Disinformation".

Tengiz Pkhaladze at TRT Word's TV Show: The Battle for Nagorno-Karabakh

Tengiz Pkhaladze at TRT Word's TV Show: The Battle for Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenia and Azerbaijan are again on the brink of war. The fighting has spilled beyond the Nagorno-Karabkah region, with civilians being shelled in Azerbaijani cities. And now the...

Conversation with Tengiz Pkhaladze, Senior fellow of ICGS

Conversation with Tengiz Pkhaladze, Senior fellow of ICGS

Тенгиз Пхаладзе: взгляд на регион и Нагорно-Карабахский конфликт из Грузии. ინტერვიუ GIPA-ს პოლიტიკური მეცნიერების საბაკალავრო პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელ თენგიზ ფხალაძესთან. düzdanışaq 

Webinar: Implementation of the Human-oriented Peace Policy in Georgia, During the Global Pandemic

Webinar: Implementation of the Human-oriented Peace Policy in Georgia, During the Global Pandemic

In September 22, 2020 On the occasion of Peace Day, Tengiz Pkhaladze took part in a high-level webinar organized by the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic...

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 30, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia – Turkey's Strategic Partnership"

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 23, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "USA-Georgia Strategic Partnership".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 18, 2020 was held an online discussion on the following topic: "The Impact of Covid 19 on Georgia's and the World Economy, Economic Diplomacy During the Pandemic."

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 15, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia – EU. 6 Years since the Association Agreement"

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 12, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: " Soft Power as an Instrument of Russian Foreign Policy".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 9, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia – NATO, the role of Alliance in the security of Georgia".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 4, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: " Kremlin Disinformation from the USSR to the Russian Federation".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 1, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Borderization – Human Rights in the Occupied Territories and Alongside the Occupation Line".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In May 29, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Russian Foreign Policy – Security challenges for Georgia".

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions  in Response to Russian Propaganda

In May 25, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Cyber security. "Russia's Cyber Attacks on Georgia and Partner Countries."

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In May 21, 2020 was held an online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia's Economic Security; Bi-lateral and Multi-lateral International Economic Partnership – Economic Diplomacy"

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In May 19, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia in modern international relations – Georgia's political priorities."

Project: "NATO Success Story" - Awarding ceremony of the most active students of the Project at Gori State Study University


On 25 of December 2019 the most active participants from Gori municipality of the project "NATO Success Story" were awarded with diplomas at the Gori State Study University.

Students Awarding Ceremony at SABAUNI

Students Awarding Ceremony at SABAUNI

On 19 of December 2019 The most active participants of the project "NATO Success Story" were awarded with diplomas at the Sulkhan saba University.

Meeting with Temo Dadiani corporal of Defence Forces Georgia and Buba Lomuashvili Wounded Military Servicemen Support Department of Ministry of Defence

Meeting with Temo Dadiani corporal of Defence Forces Georgia and Buba Lomuashvili Wounded Military Servicemen Support Department of Ministry of Defence

On 27 of November very emotional and interesting discussion with Temo Dadiani corporal of Defence Forces Georgia and Buba Lomuashvili Wounded Military Servicemen Support Department of Ministry of Defence held...

Stronger Together - discussion with Assistant NATO Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Tacan Ildem and NATO PDD Officer Despina Afetouli

Stronger Together - discussion with Assistant NATO Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Tacan Ildem and NATO PDD Officer Despina Afetouli

On 30 of October 2019 very interesting discussion with Assistant NATO Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, Tacan Ildem and NATO PDD Officer Despina Afetouli On NATO Georgia Relations and NATO's...

Comparison of Ataturk's and Pahlavis' Reforms: a Case of Success and Failure

Comparison of Ataturk's and Pahlavis' Reforms: a Case of Success and Failure

In the early 20th century several states were looking forward to modernization. There were several reasons to that. Firstly the reign of empires and colonies was slowly coming to an...

Workshop on Pease Process: "ceasefire agreements and it's monitoring mechanisms"

Workshop on Pease Process:

On 25-27 October 2019 4 rd workshop on Pease Process held in Katchreti Ambassadori, Georgia. The workshop was focused on ceasefire mechanisms and monitoring in peace processes, with lessons learned from international...

Project "NATO-Success Story of Development"


Meeting with To Ambassador of Republic of Poland in Georgia H E Mariusz Maszkiewicz On 11 of October 2019 excellent discussion with Ambassador of Republic of Poland in Georgia H E...

Meeting with North Atlantic Councel

Meeting with North Atlantic Councel

On 3rd of October Nato Bachiashvili took part in the meeting with representatives of the North Atlantic Council. This meeting was held in the framework of NAC's Visit to Georgia...

Nodar Pkhaladze: USA—NATO Relations in the 21st Century

Nodar Pkhaladze: USA—NATO Relations in the 21st Century

Introduction It is widely believed that military alliances are created in response to a hostile party. Because of that, many of them might not last longer than a decade. There is...

Project "NATO-Success Story of Development"


Meeting with Elizabeth Rood, Chargé d'Affaire of the Embassy of the United States of America in Georgia On 12 of June 2019 excellent discussion with Elizabeth Rood, Chargé d'Affaire of the...

Project "NATO-Success Story of Development". 2019. Meeting with Ambassador of Republic of Turkey H E Fatma Ceren Yazgan


ICGS started new circle of  discussions in the framework of the projects: " NATO-Success Story of Development". On 4 of June second meeting of the project held with the Ambassador...

Project "NATO-Success Story of Development". 2019.


ICGS has started new circle of  discussions in the framework of the projects: "NATO-Success Story of Development". On 22 of MAY First meeting of the project held with the head...

Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2019

Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2019

On 21 of March Senior Fellow of ICGS Tengiz Pkhaladze took part to the "Atlantic – Black Sea Security Forum 2019" which held in Bucharest, Romania.

Hard talk: Ukraine’s foreign policy beyond EU and NATO

Hard talk: Ukraine’s foreign policy beyond EU and NATO

On January, 25, 2019 ICGS Senior Fellow Tengiz Pkhaladze took part at the international conference “Hard talk: Ukraine’s foreign policy beyond EU and NATO”, which held at Hennadii Udovenko Diplomatic...

Project: "NATO Success Story" - Awarding ceremony of the most active students of the Project at Gori State Study University


On 24 of December 2018 the most active participants from Gori municipality of the  project "NATO Success Story" were awarded at the Gori State Study University.

Students Awarding Ceremony at SABAUNI

Students Awarding Ceremony at SABAUNI

On 20 of December The most active participants of the project "NATO Success Story" were awarded at the Sulkhan saba University.

Interview with Giorgi Kekelidze. New Day. Public Broadcaster

Interview with Giorgi Kekelidze. New Day. Public Broadcaster

Nato Bachiashvili, head of ICGS and Una Sighvatsdóttir NLO Georgia with Giorgi kekelidze about Georgian Opinion Makers' visit To NATO HQ and EuroCommission . View full story at:

Discussion with Jiri Pretslik, Charge d'Affaires of Czech Republic to Georgia and Tengiz Pkhaladze, Georgian expert

Discussion with Jiri Pretslik, Charge d'Affaires of Czech Republic to Georgia and Tengiz Pkhaladze, Georgian expert

On 7 of December 2018 Discussion with Jiri Pretslik - Charge d'Affaires of Czech Republic to Georgia and Tengiz Pkhaladze - Georgian expert, Lecturer of GIPA, former Foreign Relations Secretary...

Head of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili took part to the Georgian Opinion makers visit at NATO HQ and European Commission

Head of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili took part to the Georgian Opinion makers visit at NATO HQ and European Commission

29-30 of November 2018 Nato Bachiashvili took part at the meetings in NATO HQ and European Commission. A group of opinion makers from Georgian society were invited on a special visit...

The Effects of Privatization by Bretton Wood Institutions in Developing Countries

The Effects of Privatization by Bretton Wood Institutions in Developing Countries

Author: Nodar Pkhaladze The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund are the two strongest institutions in the sphere of global trade and finance. Together, those two organs represent the Bretton...

Discussion with Dessislava Ivanoba, Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria to Georgia and Arina Tavakarashvili Georgian expert, Lecturer of Sulkhan Saba University

Discussion with Dessislava Ivanoba, Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria to Georgia and Arina Tavakarashvili Georgian expert, Lecturer of Sulkhan Saba University

On 22 of November 2018 Discussion with Dessislava Ivanoba, Ambassador of Republic of Bulgaria to Georgia and Arina Tavakarashvili Georgian expert, Lecturer of Sulkhan Saba University held in NLO Georgia.

Discussion with Giedrius Poijunas Ambassador of Republic of Lithuania to Georgia and Paata Sheshelidze, head of New Economic School. Geoegia.

Discussion with Giedrius Poijunas Ambassador of Republic of Lithuania to Georgia and Paata Sheshelidze, head of New Economic School. Geoegia.

16 th November 2018 Discussion with Giedrius Poijunas Ambassador of Republic of Lithuania to Georgia and Paata Sheshelidze , head of New Economic School held in NATO Liaison office in...

Discussion of Defence Code Project

Discussion of Defence Code Project

On 8 of November Nato Bachiashvili took part at the Discussion of Defence Code Project which was presented by Deputy Minister of Defence of Georgia Nukri Gelashvili with the representatives...

Project: NATO- Success Story of Development

Project: NATO- Success Story of Development

Discussion  with  Gintaras Bagdonas, NATO Liaison Officer in Georgia,  Mamuka Shiukashvili Representative of General Staff of Georgia Head of Department of Politics and Planning, Arina Tavakarashvili, expert, Lecturer of Sulkhan...

Project: NATO - Success Story of Development. Discussion with Head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia Rozaria Puglisi

Project: NATO - Success Story of Development. Discussion with Head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia Rozaria Puglisi

On 10 of October 2018 International Centre for Geopolitical Studies  in cooperation NATO Liaison Office in Georgia started a new project: "NATO-Success Story of Development"- NATO, the History of Successful...

10 years of Russian Military Aggression. Exhibition at the "War Museum" of Estonia

10 years of Russian Military Aggression. Exhibition at the

On 8 of August 2018 Baners of ICGS and Friendship Bridge "Kartlosi" about 10 years of Russian Military Aggression against Georgia were exhibited at the "War Museum" in Tallinn. The...

10 years after Russian military agression

10 years after Russian military agression

August 7-8, 2018 banners about Russian Military Aggression in Georgia of 2008 were exhibited by Embassies of Georgia in various countries. Ambassadors delivered information about current situation on the occupied regions,...

Annual meeting of the Working Group 4 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Annual meeting of the Working Group 4 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

The members of the Working Group 4 "Contacts between people" (WG4) of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (EaP CSF) gathered in Brussels for their annual meeting on 3-4 July...

Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense

Davit Agmashenebeli National Defence Academy of MOD Georgia published handbook for Military attaché and civil representatives of Ministry of Defense. The handbook was written by experts of ICGS. The handbook focused...



Nato Bachiashvili attended 97 th Rose-Roth Seminar. The seminar was held 25-27 th April 2018 in Batumi (Georgia). Main theme of the Seminar was:" Georgia and the Bleak Sea Region...

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine at Occupation Museum in Gori

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine at Occupation Museum in Gori

On 13 of April 2018 Ihor Dolhov Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine visited the Gori Occupation Museum. Ambassador Dolhov acquainted with documents and banners exhibited in the Museum.

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the Gori Occupation Museum

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the  Gori Occupation Museum

On 28 of March 2018 Johannes Douma Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands visited the Gori Occupation Museum. Ambassador Douma acquainted with documents and...

Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori

Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 27 march of 2018  Madis Mikko Director, ENDC/Estonian National Defence Course and Hellar Lill director of Estonian War Museum visited  Museum of Occupation in Gori and War Museum in...

Ambassador of Republic of  Slovakia at the Museum of Occupation in Gori

Ambassador of Republic of  Slovakia at the Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 22 of March 2018 Ambassador of Republic of Slovakia HE Rudolf Michalka visited Museum of Occupation in Gori. Chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili and head of "Friendship Bridge Kartlosi"...

Students of University of Georgia at the Museum of Occupation

Students of University of Georgia at the Museum of Occupation

On 2 March of 2018 students of International relations of Georgian University visited Museum of Occupation in Gori. They viewed banners reflecting Russia's military aggression and Occupation Georgia's territories in...

Museum of Occupation in Gori

Museum of Occupation in Gori

On 25 of February 2018 Nato Bachiashvili took part in the opening ceremony of Museum of Occupation in Gori. On the occasion of the Soviet Occupation Day, the museum was...

Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO

Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO

On 16 of December Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO, its priorities, Decission making process, partnership with Georgia, Georgias prospective of integration in Stepantsminda (Georgia Kazbegi distr.). The event was...

NATO-All for one, one for all

NATO-All for one, one for all

On 30 of November 2017 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies, very interesting and fruitful discussion was held with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky  about...

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

29.11.2017 Extremely interesting and fruitful discussion with head of NATO Liaison Office in Georgia William Lahue. Lot of questions and very frank answers on NATO as an guarantor of peace and...

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

One more Discussion about NATO. On 22th of November very interesting and frank conversation held with Ambassador of Romania to Georgia HE Radu Horumba about a new challenges and threats,...

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

On 15 th November 2017 very sincere conversation was held with Ambassador of France HE Pascal Meunier  about NATO as a guarantor of global peace and security, modern challenges and...

Parallel stakeholders' discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society Contribution

Parallel stakeholders' discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society Contribution

On 25-27 of October 2017 EaP CSP Annual Assembly was held in Tallinn, Estonia. Nato Bachiashvili took part at the Parallel stakeholders' discussion: Georgia – Constitutional Reform and Civil Society...

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

On 18 th October 2017 As usual, very interesting and fruitful discussion was held with Ambassador of Republic of Lithuania HE Giedrius Poijunas about NATO as a guarantor of global...

Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project "No Occupation"

Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project

Nato Bachiashvili took part in the project "No Occupation". The event was held in the Museum of victims of Soviet Political Repression, Kaspi, Georgia. The aim of the project is...

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

Discussions with Ambassadors of NATO Allied Countries

On 9 of October 2017 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies, very interesting and fruitful discussion was held with Ambassador of Republic of Slovakia HE Rudolf Michalka...

"Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture" - lessons learned from the Western Balkan cases

On 14-17 September 2017  International Centre for Geopolitical Studies (Georgia) in cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative (Finland) organized workshop for high level Georgian Government officials "Negotiations and Peace Process...

Higher National Defence Course

Higher National Defence Course

On 4-7 JUL 2017 Nato Bachiashvili took part in  the Higher National Defence Course. Kachreti, Georgia. During the Course  information meetings and discussion held about followed topics: modern security system and...

Fukuyama vs Huntington

Fukuyama vs Huntington

The end of the Cold War was one of the most important events of the 20th century, which marked the beginning of a new era. In 1989, famous political scientist...

Meeting with Ambassador of Lithuania to Georgia HE Giedrius Polijunas

Meeting with Ambassador of Lithuania to Georgia HE Giedrius Polijunas

On 9 of December 2016 In the framework of the project "NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance" meeting with Ambassador of Lithuania...

Meeting with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky

Meeting with Ambassador of Czech Republic HE Tomas Pernicky

On 28 of November 2016 In the framework of the project "NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance" meeting with Ambassador of Czech...

NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance

NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance

On 28 of November 2016 In the framework of the project "NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance" meeting with Ambassador of Latvia...

The Challenges and Perspectives of European Integration

The Challenges and Perspectives of European Integration

In the framework of the European Days On May 9th 2017 Nato Bachiashvili took part in discussion: "the Challenges and Perspectives of European Integration", which was held in Gori.

European Refugee Crisis

European Refugee Crisis

The year of 2015 was one of the most difficult ones for the Europe. It was the year the ongoing refugee crisis took place. As a result of the war...

Discussion about EU-Georgia Association Agreement with students of Public School #1 in Akhaltsikhe

Discussion about EU-Georgia Association Agreement with students of Public School #1 in Akhaltsikhe

On 21th October Chirperson ICGS Nato Bachiashvili took part in the discussion on EU-Georgia Association Agreement with students of Public School #1 in Akhaltsikhe. She delivered a presentation about Georgia...

Women for Peace and Security

Women for Peace and Security

On 11-12 October 2016 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies two days workshop: Women for Peace and Security took part at the NATO Liaison office in Tbilisi. The...

Public lecture at the Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Study University

Public lecture at the Sulkhan Saba Orbeliani Study University

On March 27th 2017, Nato Bachiashvili delivered a public lecture on the following topic: "NATO — Georgia"s Relationship Dynamic" at Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani Study University"s Lawers" Club. The lecture was focused on...

The Second meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform

The Second meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform

On February 17, 2017 the second meeting of the EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform was held at the European Economic and Social Committee in Belgium, Brussels. At the meeting was discussed the...

Annual Meeting of The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 4

Annual Meeting of The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 4

NatoBachiashvili took part on The Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 4 "Contacts between People" annual Meeting, which heldon 15-16 June in Brussels. The event covered topics pertaining to...

Nodar Pkhaladze: "The Shadow of the Past, or the War That Never Ended: The Second Cold War"

Nodar Pkhaladze:

The 2014 Russian aggression towards Ukraine has created major concern in the Western society. Since then the officials and experts have been debating on yet another relationship deteriorations between the...

Meeting with the President’s Secretary of Foreign Relations

Meeting with the President’s Secretary of Foreign Relations

On June 13th 2016, the President's Administration was hosting a meeting between the NGOs involved in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Georgian National Platform and the President's Secretary of...

Workshop "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture"


On 14-17 April  2016 international Centre for Geopolitical Studies  (Georgia) in cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative (Finland) organized workshop for Georgian Government officials "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture" in  "Marco...

Discussion on Mobilization and Reserve Draft Concept of the Georgian Armed Forces

Discussion on Mobilization and Reserve Draft Concept of the Georgian Armed Forces

On 14 of March 2016 Mobilization and Reserve Draft Concept of the Georgian Armed Forces was discussed with military and security experts at the conference hall of the IV Mechanized...

Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Caucasus

Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Caucasus

On 23 March 2016 with International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in cooperation with Austrian Institute for Caucasus Studies of Vienna University organized discussion: Overcoming Regional Challenges in the Caucasus.

Nodar Pkhaladze: "Concept and Classification of the Terrorist Organizations"

Nodar Pkhaladze:

Terrorism is considered by many as an unauthorized use of violence in order to instill fear in population. Because of its broad concept, it is mistakenly often classified as only...

NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Addressing Security Risks at the Ukrainian Border through Best Practices on Good Governance – Sources and Counter Measures"

NATO Advanced Research Workshop

NATO Advanced Research Workshop entitled "Addressing Security Risks at the Ukrainian Border through Best Practices on Good Governance – Sources and Counter Measures" took place on February 25 and 26,...

Presidential Republics: Comparison of US and Russia. (Authors - Young Researchers: Nodar Pkhaladze, Raffaele Galbani)

Presidential Republics: Comparison of US and Russia. (Authors - Young Researchers: Nodar Pkhaladze, Raffaele Galbani)

The presidential government is one of the three main government types, alongside with the parliamentary and semi-presidential forms. Unlike the latter two cases, the president is a dominant figure, as...

Presentation of the book: "History of Diplomacy"

Presentation of the book:

On 22 of December presentations of Tornike Sharashenidzes book "The history of Diplomacy" held in the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies.

The 7th Annual Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum

The 7th Annual Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum

Nato Bachiashvili took part at the 7th Annual Assembly of the EaP Civil Society Forum "Moving Reforms Forward in Testing Times" 19-21 November. Kyiv. Ukraine.

The Riga Security Conference

The Riga Security Conference

On November 5-6 Nato Bachiashvili took part at the 10th anniversary of The Riga Conference.

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the government of Georgia and the National Platform of Georgia of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

A Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the government of Georgia and the National Platform of Georgia of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

On November 13, a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the government of Georgia and the National Platform of Georgia of Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. The Memorandum was signed...

Workshop for Georgian Governmental Officials: The Complexity of Peace Processes - Learnings from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Cyprus cases

Workshop for Georgian Governmental Officials: The Complexity of Peace Processes - Learnings from Northern Ireland, Scotland and Cyprus cases

On October 30 – November 2, 2015 with the partnership of International Centre for geopolitical Studies (Georgia) and Crisis Management Initiative (Finland) Workshop for Georgian Governmental Offitials: The Complexity of...



On 29 of September 2015 with the initiative of Europe House Georgia and International Center for Geopolitical Studies (ICGS) discussion "THE FUTURE OF THE EASTERN PARTNERSHIP" was held in Europe...



On 8 September 2015 with the initiative of  International Centre for Geopolitical Studies and Europe House Georgia public discussion "WAR IN UKRAINE AND US FOREIGN POLICY, PERCEPTIONS OF MILITARY THREATS...

Visit to Romania "Georgia's European and Euro Atlantic Path"

Visit to Romania

On July 22-24 the Ministry of Foreign Affairs organized a documentation visit to Romania by a group of Georgian governmental staff and representatives of  NGO's who work in the domain...



On 25 th June 2015 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies and "Europe House" discussion: "WORLD ORDER IN THE TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY" held at  the Europe House Georgia

Nato Bachiashvili: Declaration Reflected European Aspiration of EaP Countries

Nato Bachiashvili: Declaration Reflected European Aspiration of EaP Countries

Armedia" Analytical Agency presents an EXCLUSIVE interview with Nato Bachiashvili, Chairperson of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies. In the interview she comments on the Georgia's expectatations from the Riga Summit,...

Information tour in NATO HQ

Information tour in NATO HQ

Arina Tavakarashvili, the participant of the seminar "NATO-'s policies and agenda," which was organized by International Centre for Geopolitical Studies will take part in a two-day information tour in...

Public Debates: “Riga Summit: Future of the European Neighborhood Policy (Eastern Partnership)”

Public Debates: “Riga Summit: Future of the European Neighborhood Policy (Eastern Partnership)”

On May 27, 2015 Public Debates: “Riga Summit: Future of the European Neighborhood Policy (Eastern Partnership)” held in The South Caucasus Regional Office of the Heinrich Boell Foundation.

2rd Easter Partnership Civil Society Conference

2rd Easter Partnership Civil Society Conference

On 20-21 May 2015 Nato Bachiashvili Took parts at the 2rd Easter Partnership Civil Society Conference in Riga, Latvia. Issues of future relation of Eastern Partner Countries an European Union,...

Discussion "Ukraine – out of the Crisis through Dialogue"


On 18-19 March 2015 Nato Bachiashvili took part to the discussion of Ukrainian, Georgian, Russian and EU experts: "Ukraine – out of the Crisis through Dialogue".

"Minister's Vision 2015-2016" -  presentation

On March 17 Nato Bachiashvili took part at the presentation of a new guiding document of Ministry of Defence of Georgia.

Meeting with Adviser on Foreign Affairs of President of Georgia

Meeting with Adviser on Foreign Affairs of President of Georgia

Nato Bachiashvili took parts at the meeting with Adviser on Foreign Affairs of President of Georgia Tengiz Phkhaladze. General aim of the meeting to share views on the preparing process...

Presentation of the book "My Rights and Responsibilities"

Presentation of the book

10 th March of 2015 ICGS donated 1000 copies of book "My Rights and Responsibilities" for regional schools to Civic Education Teachers' Forum.

Initiative - help the Mountainous Adjara and Svaneti schools with books

Initiative - help the Mountainous Adjara and Svaneti schools with books

18 th of February On the  framework of Initiative - help the Mountainous Adjara and Svaneti schools with books, Public Schools of those two region of Georgia were donated books...

European Year for Development 2015

European Year for Development 2015

On 8 of January 2015 Nato Bachiashvili took part at the conference "European Year for Development 2015" in Riga. Latvia.

Meeting in the Ministry of Defence

Meeting in the Ministry of Defence

On 5 of January 2015Nato Bachiashvili took part in meeting with the Minister of Defence of Georgia Mindia Janelidze and his deputies Gocha Ratiani and Levan Girsiashvili.

Nato Bachiashvili held meetings about Georgia-EU Association Agreement in Georgian Regions

Nato Bachiashvili held meetings about Georgia-EU Association Agreement in Georgian Regions

On 4-19 December 2014 Nato Bachiashvili took part in the information meetings on Georgia-EU Association Agreement in Georgian Regions. Meetings were held in Sagarejo, Marneuli, Gori, Akhaltsikhe, Batumi, Lanchkhuti, Kutaisi...


Public Discussion: THE

On 17 December 2014 with the cooperation of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies and Europe House Georgia  public discussion THE "RUSSKIY MIR" CONCEPT - RUSSIAN SOFT POWER IN THE POST-SOVIET...

Seminar "NATO Policies and Agenda"


On 27-28th of November with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies two-days seminar "NATO Policies and Agenda" was held at NATO Liaison Office in Tbilisi. For the attendance of...


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Latest Publication

Religion as the Instrument of Russian Foreign Policy towards Neighboring Countries (Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine)

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"Juvenile's Rights and Responsibilities"

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"SOFT POWER" –The new concept of the Russian foreign policy toward Georgia

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The "Humanitarian Dimension" of Russian Foreign policy TOWARD GEORGIA, Moldova, Ukraine, and the Baltic States

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