International Centre for Geopolitical Studies is nongovernmental, noncommercial legal entity acting in compliance with the Constitution and laws of Georgia and Charter.
Goals of the Centre
- Promoting the geopolitical security of Georgia;
- Promoting the political and economic development of Georgia;
- Promoting Georgia’s integration into European and Euro-Atlantic structures;
- Promoting democracy within the country;
- Promoting Georgia on the international arena.
Forms of Activity
For the achievement of the goals provided hereunder, the Centre:
Gathers, studies and analyzes the necessary information on policy, economics, human rights as well as in social-environmental, cultural-educational and other spheres;
- Provides monitoring over the fulfillment of Georgia’s international commitments;
- Develops special programs and implements the relevant programs;
- Engages in scientific-research and educational activity;
- Cooperates with analytical centers around the globe, local and international governmental and non-governmental organizations and private entities;
- Formulates conclusions and recommendations;
- Forms database;
- Prepares periodic analytical information on the geopolitical events unfolding in Georgia and abroad, highlights such events in the media to inform the society and government agencies;
- Engages in translation and publishing activities;
- Organizes presentations, exhibitions and other law-permitted events;
- Establishes representations and branches within and outside Georgia;
Conducts any other activity not prohibited by law.
Tengiz Pkhaladze at TRT Word's TV Show: The Battle for Nagorno-Karabakh Armenia and Azerbaijan are again on the brink of war. The fighting...
Interview with Giorgi Kekelidze. Public Broadcaster
Current goings-on in Government puts the publics' political maturity to the test Regarding the objects and tasks of the so called demarcation policy...
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Latest Publication
Religion as the Instrument of Russian Foreign Policy towards Neighboring Countries (Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine)
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"Juvenile's Rights and Responsibilities"
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"SOFT POWER" –The new concept of the Russian foreign policy toward Georgia
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The "Humanitarian Dimension" of Russian Foreign policy TOWARD GEORGIA, Moldova, Ukraine, and the Baltic States