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Study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus

Study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus

Extremely interesting and informative study visit for Georgia's Governmental officials in Cyprus held on 12-16 December 2022. CMI – Martti Ahtisaari Peace Foundation in Cooperation with ICGS - International Centre for Geopolitical Studies organized an Informal Study Visit to Cyprus for a small group of Georgian civil servants coming from different state institutions and agencies dealing with conflict resolution and reconciliation. Visit was a part of the project in support of Georgia’s peace and reconciliation efforts.


Expert Exchanges on Peace and Negotiations Processes: Retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders

Expert Exchanges on Peace and Negotiations Processes: Retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders

On 9-10 th September retreat seminar for Georgian stakeholders on Pease and Negotiation process was held in Bakuriani “Rooms Kokhta Hotel”. The topic of the Seminar was: role of civil society and political actors in peace processes - sharing experiences of joint confidence-building projects. Trade and education projects - examples of Northern Ireland, Cyprus and Transnistria.


Raising Domestic Awareness on Peace Processes and Negotiations Lessons Learnt from International Practices. The role of civil society and political actors in the Cyprus peace process

Raising Domestic Awareness on Peace Processes and Negotiations Lessons Learnt from International Practices. The role of civil society and political actors in the Cyprus peace process.

On June 29th 2022, ICGS’s fourth closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi for Georgian experts, civil society activists and political actors. The topic of the seminar was on the case of Cyprus, the role of civil society and political actors in support of peace process and dialogue efforts.


Meetings in Akhalkalaki and Minotsminda Municipalities

Meetings in Akhalkalaki and Minotsminda Municipalities

On June 21-22 chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for representatives of Local Government and Self Government of the Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda Municipality. She delivered information about the chronology, dynamics and current challenges on the way of Georgia-NATO relations. The achievements of Georgia - NATO cooperation and the prospects of Georgia's membership in NATO were discussed during the meeting.


Meeting in Oni Municipality

Meeting in Oni Municipality

On May 11, 2022 chairperson of ICGS Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for representatives of Local Government and Self Government of the Oni Municipality. She delivered information about the chronology, dynamics and current challenges on the way of Georgia-NATO relations. The achievements of Georgia - NATO cooperation and the prospects of Georgia's membership in NATO were discussed during the meeting.


Meeting on Georgia's the Euro-Atlantic Integration process

Meeting on Georgia's  the Euro-Atlantic Integration process

On May 10, 2022 Nato Bachiashvili held a meeting on issues of Euro-Atlantic integration for IDPs living in Tskaltubo Municipality. She delivered information about the chronology, dynamics and current challenges on the way of development of Georgia-NATO relations. The achievements of Georgia - NATO cooperation and the prospects of Georgia 's membership in NATO were discussed during the meeting.


Workshop on Peace Process Design Formats of Negotiations: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Workshop on Peace Process Design Formats of Negotiations: Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On May 6th - 8th, 2022, a closed-door workshop was held in Kazbegi, Georgia, for representatives from different agencies of the Georgian government. The discussions focused on the topic of the architecture of peace processes and formats of negotiations, looking at the experience of Cyprus. During three days, participants benefited from the insights and experiences shared by a range of speakers from Cyprus as well as by representatives of international organizations who have been or still are directly involved in the negotiations and peace building efforts.


Expert Exchange Seminar: Peace Process, Confidence-Building Measures and bi-communal Dialogue in Cyprus

კExpert Exchange Seminar: Peace Process, Confidence-Building Measures (CBMs) and bi-communal Dialogue in Cyprus

On April 6th, 2022, ICGS’s third closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi for Georgian experts, civil society activists and political actors. The topic of the seminar was on the case of Cyprus, reflecting on lessons learned from the peace process, confidence-building measures (CBMs) and bi-communal dialogue.


Expert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

კExpert Exchange Seminar - Institutional Arrangements and Inclusivity in Peace Processes: Northern Ireland’s Power Sharing Case

On December 9th, 2021, a closed-door seminar was held in Tbilisi, Georgia, for targeted Georgian representatives of the expert, civil society and political fields. The event acted as a follow-up to the previous seminar organized in Tbilisi on October 26th, 2021.

During the day, participants were able to listen to presentations and exchange with speakers from Northern Ireland who had been directly involved in the peace process. Invited experts shared their insights and experiences of the interaction between political actors and civil society in Northern Ireland’s post-Good Friday agreement. Guided by an expert from the Causeway Institute for Peacebuilding and Conflict Resolution (CIPCR), participants were invited to look closer at the historical period that led to the signing of the Good Friday agreement and the establishment of power-sharing in Northern Ireland. Participants were then exposed to the main principles and mechanisms of Northern Ireland’s power sharing system by an official representative of the Northern Ireland Executive. During the second half of the day, participants benefited from the views of speakers – politicians from various parties, as well as women activists, sometimes formerly involved in politics – all involved in the negotiations and the implementation of the Good Friday agreement. This represented a unique opportunity for participants and speakers to discuss and reflect on the successes, challenges, and lessons learned from the Northern Ireland peace process. The event was concluded by a session dedicated to a joint group reflection on the experience of Northern Ireland, both when it comes to best practices and lessons learned.


Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices

Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices

On October 26, 2021, seminar Expert Exchange on Conflict Resolution Efforts Lessons Learnt from International Practices: the case of Northern Ireland was held at the Rooms Hotel. Tbilisi.


Nato Bachiashvili at the online seminar with representatives of local government of  Akhaltsikhe and Adigeni Municipalities

Nato Bachiashvili at the online seminar with representatives of local  government of  Akhaltsikhe and Adigeni  Municipalities

On 14 of September Chairperson of ICGS, Nato Bachiashvili took part as a speaker at the online seminar on Georgia’s – NATO relations with the staff of Local Sakrebulo and City hall of Akhaltsikhe and Adigeni Municipalities. Organizer of the Seminar was Information Centre of NATO and EU of MFA Georgia.


Round table on "Geneva International Talks - Women, Peace and Security"

Round table on Geneva International Talks Women Peace and Security

On 26 April 2021 Tengiz Pkhaladze took part at the meeting: "Geneva International Discussions and the Women, Peace and Security Agenda" hosted by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.


Tengiz Pkhaladze's meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University

Tengiz Pkhaladzes meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University

On 9 of February 2021 senior fellow of ICGS Tengiz Pkhaladze had a meeting at the Faculty of International Relations of Belarusian State University.


Nato Bachiashvili took part at the joint sitting of Sector Economy and Economic Policy and EU Integration Committees

Nato Bachiashvili took part at the joint sitting of Sector Economy and Economic Policy and EU Integration Committees

In 9 February of 2021 Nato Bachiashvili, head of ICGS took part at the joint hearing of the Report on Implementation of the National Action Plan on DCFTA for 2020 at the Sector Economy and Economic Policy and EU Integration Committees. The Report was introduced by the Deputy Economic Minister Genadi Arveladze.


Project: "Following the Disinformation"

Following the Disinformation

From September to December of 2020, the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies in partnership with "Prodemos" foundation, carried out a project "Following the Disinformation".


Tengiz Pkhaladze at TRT Word's TV Show: The Battle for Nagorno-Karabakh

Tengiz Pkhaladze at TRT Word's TV Show The Battle for Nagorno-Karabakh

Armenia and Azerbaijan are again on the brink of war. The fighting has spilled beyond the Nagorno-Karabkah region, with civilians being shelled in Azerbaijani cities. And now the conflict is threatening to draw in neighbouring powers and raising concerns about stability in the South Caucasus. But after decades of failed diplomacy, will military force end up deciding the dispute? Or is there still a chance both sides can find their way to peace?


Conversation with Tengiz Pkhaladze, Senior fellow of ICGS

ინტერვიუ GIPA პოლიტიკური მეცნიერების საბაკალავრო პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელ თენგიზ ფხალაძესთან

Тенгиз Пхаладзе: взгляд на регион и Нагорно-Карабахский конфликт из Грузии.

ინტერვიუ GIPA-ს პოლიტიკური მეცნიერების საბაკალავრო პროგრამის ხელმძღვანელ თენგიზ ფხალაძესთან. düzdanışaq 


Webinar: Implementation of the Human-oriented Peace Policy in Georgia, During the Global Pandemic

Implementation of the Human-oriented Peace Policy in Georgia, During the Global Pandemic

In September 22, 2020 On the occasion of Peace Day, Tengiz Pkhaladze took part in a high-level webinar organized by the Office of the State Minister for Reconciliation and Civic Equality of Georgia : "Implementation of the Human-oriented Peace Policy in Georgia, During the Global Pandemic."


Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 30, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "Georgia – Turkey's Strategic Partnership"


Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 23, 2020 was carried out online discussion on the following topic: "USA-Georgia Strategic Partnership".


Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

Online Discussions in Response to Russian Propaganda

In June 18, 2020 was held an online discussion on the following topic: "The Impact of Covid 19 on Georgia's and the World Economy, Economic Diplomacy During the Pandemic."


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