Sunday, January 19, 2025
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Project - “Students' awareness improvement in connection with changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia”

Project - “Students' awareness improvement in connection with changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia”In September-October 2010 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies the project "Students' awareness improvement in connection with changes and amendments to the Constitution of Georgia" was arranged.

The aim of the project was students’ informing and their political culture and awareness rising, making sure their attendance at the discussion and adoption process of the constitutional changes and amendments.

In the frames of the project the students of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Ilia State University, and University "Small Academy" were attending the discussion of the Draft Constitutional Law "On Introduction of the Changes and Amendments to the Constitution of Georgia" on the sitting of the Justice Committee of Parliament of Georgia, and the extraordinary and plenary sittings of the Parliament of Georgia.

The project partners:

  • Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, faculty of Lay;
  • Georgian Young Scientists’ Society.

Project “Improvement of Students’ Civil Awareness in Terms of Elections”

Project “Improvement of Students’ Civil Awareness in Terms of Elections”Students make up the most active and emotional electorate in Georgia. Considering the legal age limit, majority of students will have to express their civil duty for the first time in the upcoming elections. Therefore, it is particularly important to provide them with maximum information on elections and conduct the election process in democratic and fair manner to help raise the civil awareness of students and enshrine democratic values in their mentality.


ENPI CBC Application Capacity Building for Georgian Beneficiaries Project Building Workshop

ENPI CBC Application Capacity Building for Georgian Beneficiaries Project Building WorkshopThe ENPI CBC - European Neighbourhood Policy Instrument Cross Border Cooperation - Black Sea programme stands as a key element of the European Neighbourhood Policy toward the Black Sea region, including Georgia. The overall objective of the programme is to achieve a stronger regional partnerships and cooperation. By doing so, the programme is aimed at contributing to its wider objective: a stronger and more sustainable economic and social development of the regions of the Black Sea Basin.


The "Humanitarian Dimension" of Russian Foreign Policy toward Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic States

The Humanitarian Dimension of Russian Foreign Policy toward Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic StatesInternational research „The "Humanitarian Dimension" of Russian Foreign Policy toward Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic States” has been carried out.


Civil Manifesto: striving for civil participation and public accord

Civil Manifesto: striving for civil participation and public accordCurrent edition is result of the activities of the Civil Manifesto Group – Group of NGOs which has been created on 10th of April 2009 in response to the political confrontation in the country.

Civil Manifesto which united the group is simple: To Know! To Participate! To Influence! These actions are in our view rights and obligations of every citizen of Georgia.

We, representatives of the civil society organizations of Georgia, being dedicated to the principles of non-partisanship, respect for human rights and diversity of opinions as well as culture of non-violence and civil responsibility, considered as our personal and professional duty to take direct part in the resolution of the political crisis emerged in the country.


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Religion as the Instrument of Russian Foreign Policy towards Neighboring Countries (Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine)

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"SOFT POWER" –The new concept of the Russian foreign policy toward Georgia

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The "Humanitarian Dimension" of Russian Foreign policy TOWARD GEORGIA, Moldova, Ukraine, and the Baltic States

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