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NATO - One for All and All for One

NATO - One for All and All for One

During the period of September - December 2017 ICGS implemented a project "NATO - One for All and All for One".

General aim of the project was rising civil awareness regarding NATO as a provider of peace and Security through holding public discussions with ambassadors from NATO and NATO  allied countries.

The purpose was to share an experience and provide the examples of countries who had overcome the same difficulties as Georgia on their path of integration into the alliance, countries, which were under the Russian pressure and were constantly threatened, however managed to overcome the difficulties and with the united efforts of the society, managed to become the members of the NATO.


Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO

Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO

On 16 of December Nato Bachiashvili delivered a lecture about NATO, its priorities, Decission making process, partnership with Georgia, Georgias prospective of integration in Stepantsminda (Georgia Kazbegi distr.).

The event was the part of the project of GIPA's School of Law and Politics and "Georgian Delegates for the World". The lecture was followed by Q and A Session.

Project aimed raising  public awareness about NATO.


"Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture" - lessons learned from the Western Balkan cases

Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture lessons learned from the Western Balkan cases

On 14-17 September 2017  International Centre for Geopolitical Studies (Georgia) in cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative (Finland) organized workshop for high level Georgian Government officials "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture" in Batumi (Georgia).


NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance

NATO - the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance

On November-December 2016 In the framework of the project " NATO- the History of Successful Transformation: countries before, and after Joining the Alliance" meetings with Ambassadors NATO Allied Countries , Latvia, Lithuania and Czech Republic held in the NATO Liaison in Georgia.

At the discussion representatives of NGOs and academic circle, teachers, students were invite, including students and representatives of NGOs from Gori district, who are living near the occupation line where the Russian influence is significantly strong.


Women for Peace and Security

Women for Peace and SecurityOn 11-12 October 2016 with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies two days workshop: Women for Peace and Security took part at the NATO Liaison office in Tbilisi.

The project aim multiple awareness raising and informing leader women – representatives of self Governments, NGOs and teachers regarding NATO as a provider of peace and security in the Region.


Workshop "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture"

Workshop "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture"On 14-17 April  2016 international Centre for Geopolitical Studies  (Georgia) in cooperation with Crisis Management Initiative (Finland) organized workshop for Georgian Government officials "Negotiations and Peace Process Architecture" in  "Marco Polo" Gudauri (Georgia).

The methodology of the workshop, which brought together 15 participants from the various Georgian  Governmental Institutions proposed by CMI team combined peer-support from international expertise as well as applied skills practice on conflict analysis and negotiation tools.

On the first day Workshop Key elements of peace process design (general logic, interpersonal processes, phases, agenda setting, sequencing and parallel formats) has presented.



Public Discussion: THE "RUSSKIY MIR" CONCEPT - RUSSIAN SOFT POWER IN THE POST-SOVIET SPACE, GEORGIA AND THE EUOn 17 December 2014 with the cooperation of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies and Europe House Georgia  public discussion THE "RUSSKIY MIR" CONCEPT - RUSSIAN SOFT POWER IN THE POST-SOVIET SPACE, GEORGIA AND THE EU was held.

The main topics of the discussion were: What is the "Russkiy Mir" concept? How does it connect with Eurasianism? Does "Russkiy Mir" have a cultural/economic substance or is it a purely political idea underlying an attempt to revive the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union in a different form? How successful is Russia's soft power in the post-Soviet space? What soft power instruments is Russia using in Georgia? How successful is Russian soft power in the EU and the West? Or does Russia's foreign policy merely rest on its hard power?


Seminar "NATO Policies and Agenda"

On 27-28th of November with the initiative of International Centre for Geopolitical Studies two-days seminar "NATO Policies and Agenda" was held at NATO Liaison Office in Tbilisi.

For the attendance of the Seminar were invited representatives of Local Municipalities, Self-governments and NGOs from all over Georgia.

Speakers of the Seminar were Official representatives of Administration of Presidents of Georgia, MFA Georgia, MOD Georgia, NATO leasion office in Georgia and experts of ICGS.


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