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Project "International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine."

Project "International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine."

During the 27-30 of November 2011 the study visit of representatives of Ukrainian "Rada", MIA Ukraine, Ukrainian NGO-s and Media held in Georgia. The organizer of study visit activities was International Centre for Geopolitical studies (Georgia).

This visit was a part of the project "International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine."

Project initiator - Ukrainian special Board of fighting against corruption, project partner from Georgian side - International Centre for Geopolitical Studies (ICGS).

In the framework of the project Ukrainian delegation met with the Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia Ivane MerabiSvili. The history of Fighting against corruption among the police staff and the current high level of Georgian citizens' trust in Patrol Police was the subject of discussion. The minister stressed that reforms in Patrol Police were sensitive reforms for the people, but the result has been accepted. For the fighting against corruption there was created a new structural unit. The main aim of this unit is to expose the crimes conducted by state officials, including the representatives of MIA. During of the last years a lot of high-rank state officials are detained and arrested convicted in taking bribes. As a result of carried out reforms corruption in the registration and license services has come to minimum. The procedure of getting licenses and registration cards has simplified.

 Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption  :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.   

As a result of reforms by the end of 2011, the rating of the police in population has reached 83%. At the end of the meeting the minister emphasized, that most important is cooperation with citizens, NGOs and private sector with the state institutes for the better coordination of the social security.

During the meeting with Deputy Minister of Justice, Head of Public Service Agency Mr. Giorgi Vashadze in the Rustavi Public Service Hall has been introduced the new brand of the Ministry of Justice - the concept of Public Service Halls, which is the first public service institution in Georgia with completely new concept of service delivery by the Ministry of Justice, which will deliver various types of services based on the so-called "one-desk-service" principle. Consumers will have an opportunity to receive here services delivered by the Civil Registry Agency, National Agency of Public Registry, National Archive, National Bureau of Enforcement, Notary Chamber, Legislative Herald and Training Center of Justice.

 Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption  :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.   

The Deputy Minister guided guests through service areas and informed them on those reforms, which have been implemented in Georgia in course of the last years - how Georgia has been able defeat corruption. First of all he emphasized for fighting against corruption in Georgia the main components were: Anti-Corruption Strategy, Criminal persecution in cases related to corruption, Changes in legislation, personnel policy, and Electronic management of service delivery. For the effective fighting against corruption The Anticorruption Council under of Ministry of Justice has been founded. Representatives of different governmental and non-governmental agencies are members of the Council.

 Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption  :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.    Georgian Experience in Fighting Against Corruption :: Project: International experience in reforming the State Automobile Inspectorate. Acceptability and alternatives for the Ukraine.   

During the working days the meeting with Rector of Police Academy of MIA Georgia Khatia Dekanoidze has been held. She introduced the new concept of Police Academy and mentiond, that the first stage of the reform the authorities of the ministry was the modifying the Police Academy. The Academy was equipped with the newest device and literature. The personnel of the ministry continuously raise its qualification here. The system of training and recruiting of police has absolutely changed. From the 2005 the MIA together with the OSCE and other donors has begun realization of the projects of assistance to the Georgian police. The study programs of Patrol Police faculty, training courses for provide the trainees with the basic knowledge necessary for the patrol police officers, methodology of the study programs, criteria of the selection of Academy’s pedagogical staff also were discussed at the meeting.

The Ukrainian Delegation had also meeting with International Donor Organization in Georgia, Georgian NGOs and Media representatives. The carried out reforms, outcomes and results of these reforms; which of these reforms were more successful and which areas did not receive the desired results; how long it took to implement, how was the experience of the same reforms in the other countries; the public monitoring system in cases of fighting against corruption  - were discussed during this meeting.

In the framework of the project meetings also were scheduled in the Tbilisi Police Divisions, Tbilisi International Airports, House of Justice, Service Agency of MIA Georgia, Lilo Custom Terminal, and Police Academy of MIA Georgia. The members of delegation were shown the technical equipment and working conditions of the agencies, talk with staff and people were in the Service Centers.


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